Phalaenopsis heiroglyphica
(‘Bredren’ AM/AOS x sib)
Seedlings (grown from seed).
NEW RELEASE!!! Wonderful species from the Philippines. ‘Bredren’ is from a selfing of ‘ViCli’ FCC/AOS. These are flowering size plants in 3” pots (a few flowered last year). Photo #1 shows the flowers of the parent plant, ‘Bredren’ AM/AOS. Photo #2 shows an example of the size plants up for sale.
(‘Bredren’ AM/AOS x sib)
Seedlings (grown from seed).
NEW RELEASE!!! Wonderful species from the Philippines. ‘Bredren’ is from a selfing of ‘ViCli’ FCC/AOS. These are flowering size plants in 3” pots (a few flowered last year). Photo #1 shows the flowers of the parent plant, ‘Bredren’ AM/AOS. Photo #2 shows an example of the size plants up for sale.
(‘Bredren’ AM/AOS x sib)
Seedlings (grown from seed).
NEW RELEASE!!! Wonderful species from the Philippines. ‘Bredren’ is from a selfing of ‘ViCli’ FCC/AOS. These are flowering size plants in 3” pots (a few flowered last year). Photo #1 shows the flowers of the parent plant, ‘Bredren’ AM/AOS. Photo #2 shows an example of the size plants up for sale.