Epc. Rene Marques 'Tyler' AM/AOS

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Eyecatching, bright green flowers with striking orange lip. These are flowering size plants in 3” pots. Photo #1 shows the flower of this mericlone. Photo #2 gives an indication of the size plants being offered for sale.

These grow well for us in our “Cattleya House”, which receives bright filtered light (2,500-3,000 foot candles) and is watered when the media dries.

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Eyecatching, bright green flowers with striking orange lip. These are flowering size plants in 3” pots. Photo #1 shows the flower of this mericlone. Photo #2 gives an indication of the size plants being offered for sale.

These grow well for us in our “Cattleya House”, which receives bright filtered light (2,500-3,000 foot candles) and is watered when the media dries.


Eyecatching, bright green flowers with striking orange lip. These are flowering size plants in 3” pots. Photo #1 shows the flower of this mericlone. Photo #2 gives an indication of the size plants being offered for sale.

These grow well for us in our “Cattleya House”, which receives bright filtered light (2,500-3,000 foot candles) and is watered when the media dries.

Lc. Yvonne Stultz (C. Summer Spot 'Carmela' HCC/AOS x L. lyonsii)
Bulbophyllum masdevalliaceum ‘Quintal’
Maxillaria tenuifolia 'Yamada' AM/AOS (Yellow)
Bulbophyllum rothschildianum
Pyp. Mendenhall 'Hildos' FCC/AOS